Tuesday, 3 March 2015

AS Level Year 12 - Institutions and Audience Task

Once you have completed your prezi share it so that everyone else in the class can be a viewer.
  • Critique each others and suggest additional knowledge.
  • Begin to map out connections, comparisons and links between the case studies.
  • Begin revising and putting this knowledge to memory as you will be asked to create complex arguments that reference these case studies.
Read the following TOP BAND exemplar response that links to the June 2011 question in your folder.
  • Consider how this person discusses the question drawing upon carefully chosen case studies.
  • Type up what you think is the best paragraph in terms of showing understanding of a complex argument.
  • Highlight the Point Evidence Evaluation of this paragraph.
  • Write a detailed plan of how you would respond to the June 2011 question.
  • Write your own response to the question.

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