Thursday, 11 June 2015

Key Terms for Film Analysis

Camera Shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, and variations of these.

Angle: high angle, low angle, canted angle.

Movement: pan, tilt, track, dolly, crane, steadicam, hand-held, zoom, reverse zoom.

Composition: framing, rule of thirds, depth of field – deep and shallow focus, focus pulls.

Editing: Includes transition of image and sound – continuity and non-continuity systems.

Cutting: shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, graphic match, action match, jump cut, crosscutting, parallel editing, cutaway; insert.

Other transitions, dissolve, fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects.

Sound: Diegetic and non-diegetic sound; synchronous/asynchronous sound; sound effects; sound motif, sound bridge, dialogue, voiceover, mode of address/direct address, sound mixing, sound perspective.

Soundtrack: score, incidental music, themes and stings, ambient sound.  
Mise-en-Scène: Production design: location, studio, set design, costume and make-up, properties.

Lighting; colour design.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Case Study Facts to Support Your Essay

Case Study Facts to Support Your Essay

DJ Mag

  1. Pioneered the idea of covermounted music – still delivered every month
  2. 19479 average monthly circulation
  3. Average age of 26.4 – 94% male – 74% employed (disposable income)
  4. Translated into 10 languages
  5. is updated hourly for the latest information – 512,503 unique monthly users
  6. DJ Weekly is a video led completely interactive emagazine for the Ipad generation 500,000 weekly subscribers.
  7. 1,905,644 facebook likes – highest engagement stats in the industry
  8. DJ Mag TV – 88,212 youtube subscribers


  1. 37,603 average weekly circulation
  2. Average age of reader – 27
  3. Cross-media convergence – Magazine, online, TV, Radio, Kerrang Podcasts
  4. – 240,000 unique users
  5. 431,000 twitter followers
  6. 729,000 facebook likes



  1. Launched in 1994 as a monthly magazine in Montreal
  2. Offices in 31 cities around the world
  3. Average age – 27.6
  4. 63% male readership
  5. 62% spend 3 hours online per day
  6. Print Magazine is FREE and has 1,239,000 global circulation in 25 different countries
  7. 15 million unique visitors to every month
  8. Create 180 minutes of new video content every day

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

A2 work for when you finish your note taking on the concepts - Question 1a

Read through the following exemplar of a 1a response.

  • Write your own detailed timeline / flow chart of your media skill development from year 12 to year 13.
  • You must identify clearly the skills you had and the skills you acquired and developed at EVERY stage of your Media Studies experience.


Be detailed and specific when writing the stages of your timeline.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

AS Level Year 12 - Institutions and Audience Task

Once you have completed your prezi share it so that everyone else in the class can be a viewer.
  • Critique each others and suggest additional knowledge.
  • Begin to map out connections, comparisons and links between the case studies.
  • Begin revising and putting this knowledge to memory as you will be asked to create complex arguments that reference these case studies.
Read the following TOP BAND exemplar response that links to the June 2011 question in your folder.
  • Consider how this person discusses the question drawing upon carefully chosen case studies.
  • Type up what you think is the best paragraph in terms of showing understanding of a complex argument.
  • Highlight the Point Evidence Evaluation of this paragraph.
  • Write a detailed plan of how you would respond to the June 2011 question.
  • Write your own response to the question.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

AS Examination Preparation - Question 2

Creating a Case-Study

Media Ownership - Companies/Individuals that own media products. Large conglomerates to small independents. 

Global and National Institution Case Studies
  1. Bauer Media Group – Kerrang Magazine
  2. Time Inc. – NME Magazine
  3. DJ Magazine
  4. Vice Media
  5. Time Out

Create a prezi as a group. Ensure the prezi supports your ability to visualise and memorise the case-study. Each case-study must include the following headings:

Production - The creation of a product.
  • Look to the origins of the product.
  • How was it initially produced?
  • What did the product set out to achieve?

Marketing - The process of managing the flow from producer to consumer.

  • What is the product’s unique selling point?
  • Who is the target audience of the product?
  • Who do they feature on their product? What does this tell you about marketing strategy? How are these people presented (photography)?
  • Synergy - the promotion and sale of a product (and all its versions) throughout the various subsidiaries of a media conglomerate.
    • How is the individual product promoted through other businesses owned by the media conglomerate? Think about other business ventures that share a name with the product (link with cross media convergence.)

Distribution - Methods of transferring goods from producer to consumer.
  • What are the original methods of transferring the product to the consumer?
  • Why do these original methods need revising?
  • How does a product maintain its identity?
  • Cross-media convergence - Production and distribution of media products across different platforms (print, internet, TV, radio)

Consumption - The process of using a product.

  • Why has consumption of the product changed?
  • How does the particular audience of the product drive the changes in consumption?
  • How does the product maintain its identity with technological innovation?
  • Audience - The people exposed to a media product.
  • Exchange of media texts - Method that media product is transmitted to its audience.
  • Technological convergence - The merging of products across technological platforms - magazine may use a QR code to access web-based content.
    • Identify specific ways that your product merges with other technological platforms (links with cross media convergence).

A2 Media Concepts Prezi

Use this to prepare for question 1b of your summer exam.

Way to use the Media Concepts prezi:

  1. Read about question 1b - you will be writing about your short film or trailer.
  2. Read past paper questions (refer to these throughout)
  3. Choose a concept to research - start with Narrative and then Genre.
  4. Read about that concept.
  5. Write on your blog how you feel your short film or trailer supports or contradicts different theories within each concept. Use the media terminology that you have acquired throughout. If there is anything you do not understand use google and youtube to find blogs and vlogs to further assist you.